
Gens KMod


Version 0.7b

Better watchers with structures handling

Version 0.7b

Better watchers

Version 0.7

FIX : create file and directories at ROM place when 'opened from..' (Pascal/TmEE)

FIX : bad redraw when shadow/highlight and layer hide (GrayLight)

FIX : wrong redraw of S68K PRam adresses in RAM mode (Fonzie)

FIX : screenshot 32X not working

FIX : pause 32X unperfect (since KMod 0.3!)

changed debug font for W98 user

better PSG debug window by Edge

DAC frequency info

MSH2 ROM/RAM/cache viewer and linked disassembly (thx Fonzie)

SSH2 ROM/RAM/cache viewer and linked disassembly (thx Fonzie)

32x registers

32x VDP(s)

CPUs debug windows are on the same template

Spy CD Bios call

Autolog message to file, so no more limited to memory

add tfi dump (Shiru)

5th pal for debug (GrayLight)

Version 0.6

FIX : bad redraw when shadow/highlight and layer hide

FIX : correct DAC value

FIX : screenshot takes the message too

Show/Hide 32X layer

Z80 memory viewer and linked disassembly (no more 'current' PC)

M68K ROM/RAM viewer and linked disassembly (no more 'current' PC)

S68K PRAM/WRAM viewer and linked disassembly (no more 'current' PC)

debug.s/.h updaded (warning! func name updated too...sorry for that, but it's now more 'pro')

Dump CD Word RAM to BMP

Change scroll button with true scrollbar on CD GFX

Change scroll button with scrollbar on VDP (and remove up/down bitmap resource)

Version 0.5

FIX : bad 68k memory dump (swap)

FIX : bad MCD reg list

FIX : rename s68k buttons

Spy unpaused Z80 access

Register 29: more controls than only Pause

Debug.s updated

GMV record/play

GMV Tools to compress GMV for use in demos replay

Pause on menu

Render frame per frame

Auto screenshot

Version 0.4

FIX : memory fault on sprite dump (thx RedAngel)

FIX : bad tile selection

FIX : no tiles refresh while paused (thx tomman)

Spy/Message on separate window

debug CD 68k

debug CD CDC

debug CD Reg

debug CD GFX

debug VDP Registers more readable

spy DMA to hack gfx

spy DMA limit error (thx CMD)

dump M68K rom (interesting when CD or 32X game)

dump S68K rom (interesting when CD or 32X game)

Register 31: Timer

Register 30: Message

Register 29: Pause Gens

special registers calls in zip file available in Debug...

Version 0.3

FIX : on pause mode, if debug window called, no redraw (black screen)

FIX : YM2612 now updated while game paused

FIX : pal red arrow now centered

FIX : correct YM2612 TimerB value

VDP redraw optimized (thx Fonzie)

Sprite redraw optimized

'blue pause' optionnel (Fonzie req)

dump VDP tiles to bmp

dump sprite to bmp

dump ym2612 instr (y12 or ff)

supp key to delete a watcher (Varcies req)

ins key to delete a watcher

active/desactive any pal (color or black)

sprite zoom

tile zoom

Version 0.2

Debug config window

special config file (gens_kmod.cfg)

autoload watchers (thx Fonzie!)

spy log (<gamename>.log)

spy strange register data (known as CharlesMD patch)

spy full sprite limit

log/watcher name ok when loading from history rom (fix)

spy bad read (68K Byte, 68K Word)

spy bad write (68K Byte, 68K Word)

Version 0.1

scroll tiles by line

pal indicator (red arrow)

select current pal in VDP debug by click

show/hide layers (known as Genecyst patch)

save/load watcher (<gamename>.wch)

create watchers dirctory on init

Version 0.0 - private release

replace Debug == X by Debug == DMODE_XXXXX for easier reading

call debug = screen minimize (if fullscreen)

change CPU->Debug and Options menu

debug M68K

debug z80

debug VDP (pal/tile)

debug VDP Registers

debug sprites

debug ym2612

debug PSG


Copyright ©2007 Kaneda

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